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Taido 躰道 - the way of the mind and body.


Taido is a martial art focusing on self improvement in fitness, coordination, strength and discipline.

Created in Japan from roots in Karate, Taido's main difference is using movements to avoid while creating a new angle of attack.

Although the origin is from combat you will find the main battle will be against yourself. Taido is a challenge and we train hard in many different ways and forms - but it is also fun and rewarding.

Practiced in Japan, Europe, America and Australia the Taido community is very supportive but also competitive!

East Caulfield beginner course starting 17th of October!
Summer training coming soon!


The 5 movements of Taido

Move type





Sen - Whirlwind

- verticle spinning
-different angles
- long/medium/short
- versatile, aggressive
- kicks, punches, knees, strikes, elbows, grabs


Move type





Un - Wave

- crashing wave or jumping
- forward, over, around
- high/medium/short
- fast, counters
- kicks, punches, strikes, elbows, grabs


Move type





Hen - Cloud

- falling
- reactive
- medium/short
- heavy hitting, efficient
- kicks


Move type





Nen - Waterwhirl

- horizontal spinning
- under
- short
- fast, random
- kicks, take downs


Move type





Ten - Lightning

- acrobatic
- all
- long/medium
- fast, random
- kicks, punches


Different disciplines of Taido


The learning and practice of techniques.

Techniques increase

in difficulty and applications as you grade up.


Complex forms to train your body, mind, breathing and techniques.

Also used in competition both individually and in synchronisation with a team.

An edit of Kuro-Obi channels video on Taido

Featuring Tomokazu Kaneko and Tetsuji Nakano.

Please visit Kuro-Obi world



A sport version of fight.

Controlled with light hits but also very fast and complex.

There are many elements to Taido Jissen including using angles, control & good form.


A choregraphed fight with 5 attackers and 1 "Hero".

Each attacker represents one of the 5 movements. The Hero must evade for 15 seconds and attack for 15 seconds equaling 30 seconds exactly.




Dave Lewis - 4 Dan Renshi

"I started training Taido in 1997. Coming from sports such as skateboarding I was looking for something very challenging both physically and mentally as well as to meet new people - Taido more than delivered!

I have been fortunate to have trained, competed and formed friendships through Taido with people in many countries - many who I count as family.

For over 25 years Taido has kept me fit and active. Taido has taught me focus and been a great stress management. My Taido has changed as my life has changed and I still continue to learn both from Taido and my students."

Kellie Pearce - 2 Dan

"Taido allows you to build body control, strength, stamina, agility and spatial awareness. In gaining or improving these skills you will also develop your confidence, focus and train your mind as well!

Previous martial arts experience isn't necessary and everyone is welcome.


Our small club provides a relaxed learning environment with individual coaching, questionable puns and occasional cake.


Bring comfortable sports clothes and a water bottle. Groups of friends welcome!"


frequently asked questions

Where can I learn Taido?

Australian Taido has clubs in UNSW Sydney and Victoria University Melbourne.

Update times for Sydney can be found on their Facebook page

Melbourne time and location are being updated for 2024.

Taido is also taught in Japan, Europe and America. Contact us for more information on locations.

What fitness level do I need to start learning Taido?

Fitness you will gain with training over time. We do train hard but we set personal goals.

Martial Arts is about self improvement. Everyone will start at different levels of fitness and experiences, but it is about     your Taido journey and what you get out of it.

What fees are involved?

There is a 5 week beginner course of $50 for Melbourne Taido. This will give you a good introduction to Taido and what the trainings are like. If you wish to continue that $50 is deducted from the yearly training fee.

Australian Taido Fee - $80. This registers you with Australian Taido and covers insurance and business costs​

Yearly Training Fee - $350. Taido is non profit with training fees going to facility hire and club incidentals. 

Grading has a fee which has different rates depending on the level of grade. The cost of grading goes to Japan where you will be registered as a practicing Taidoka. 

We have 5 grades to 1 Dan (black belt) with set goals of 6 months for the first 3 grades of 6kyu, 5kyu and 4kyu. 2kyu and 1kyu are usually a year each.

Dan grading can be years apart with 8 Dan being the highest and taking decades.

What should I wear to training?

The official Taido uniform (dogi) are special ordered from Japan and can be expensive.

Cheaper Karate Gi is fine for lower grades and comfortable workout clothes are fine for beginners - although shorts are not recommended. 


How long does it take to get to Black Belt?

Usually around 4 years depending on how hard you train and your past experiences.

But - Black Belt is actually considered a beginner. The concept of coloured belts is a representation of your belt getting dirty over time going from white to black.

Eventually your black belt will start to turn back to white as it gets old and damaged - that is when you are coming close to becoming really good.


How long have you trained Taido?

2.5 years and during covid.

Why did you start?

Looking for a new activity and always interested in a Martial Art.

Why do you continue to train?

Because it is fun! Amazing fitness and great people.


How long have you trained Taido?

8 months and during covid.

Why did you start?

Looking for a new activity and wanted something less traditional.

Why do you continue to train?

Strength, fitness and community!



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